a good idea, but I'd hate to vandalize property. Maybe plaster the stalls with sticky notes instead.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
I have an idea
by Crazyguy inhow about those of us that are still going to the district conventions this summer, take a permanent sharpie pen and go in to the bathroom into one of the stalls and write on the stall wall a quick one line message followed by jwfacts.com.
do this once a day in a different bathroom all three days, we may actually get to a few people..
Which meeting goes first ?
by 5go inif the gb.
me the school because it would allow more time for brow beating in the service meeitng wihch would be one hour.
then no one would complain about thier kids being up way past thier bed time on school nights..
finally awake
I don't remember what year it was, but I know it was sometime after my youngest was born, which was in July 2007
JW family made contact....
by LouBelle in.....after 8 years of us being disfellowshipped.
the made contact through my aunt who is still 'in' - as in she has faded but is not disfellowshipped and will pop to a meeting now and again - she does this for my grans' sake.. the contact was from my aunt and uncle (he's an elder) these were the 2 witnesses used against me in my judicial case.
they contacted my aunt and said to forward the message onto us.
finally awake
Good for you Loubelle - I'm sorry your relatives are so awful
Delicate subject "Gay youths in the Boy Scouts.
by jam infirst of all i,m not against gays, i have made a 180 degree.
turn on my view on homosexual.
i thought my son was gay and.
finally awake
I'm glad to see the Boy Scouts moving in the right direction. I had hoped that gay adults would be allowed in too, and it will happen eventually. I don't think there is any "risk" to allowing gay youths or leaders to participate - gay doesn't equal pedophile.
Bible Writers not just ignorant "goat herders"
by applehippie inreally, the bible was written by nothin' but goat herders?
i don't post much but this does irk me.
yes a few may have been shepherds or fisherman, but a fair amount were far more educated and were professionals in their fields of occupation.
finally awake
People - humans - have always been highly intelligent and adaptable. That's why we are still here despite our obvious physical weaknesses compared to various other species. However, the specific knowledge needed to live and thrive in different circumstances vary widely. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably in a pre-industrial society, and I suspect a person who lived in Egypt in 500BC would be hard pressed to adapt to modern life without coaching.
USA | California | 10-year-old Jehovah's Witness Girl Shot Dead
by jwleaks inslain 10-year-old girl spoke of devoting her life to ending violence hours before she was shot.
by stephen magagninipublished: friday, may.
just hours before she was shot to death, 10-year-old elvira campos said she wanted to devote her life to teaching people the bible "and its promise that one day all the violence would end," said her best friend and teacher, olga cruz.. "that afternoon i picked her up for bible study, and we talked about the future," a tearful cruz recalled thursday afternoon.
finally awake
If she was studying with someone outside the family, I wonder if her parents were dubs at all. Poor kid.
To our fading and in-suffering friends, status report please
by Mad Sweeney inif you're still in for the sake of others, how's it going?
what specific plan are you working on to get your loved ones out so you can leave, too?
how is that plan progressing?
finally awake
It's been 18 months since I attended my last meeting, and I don't even know when I last went in field service. I don't know what the official explanation for my absence is and I don't care. Life is so much better on the outside - like getting out of prison. I am very glad that my husband - Just Ron - and our 3 boys are free too.
Drinking at meetings / assemblies / conventions ... who's done it?
by HarryMac infor me .... 1).
last district convention after having 'read up' (took some family to it).. 2).
last 'meeting' to watch step-father-in-law finally get his and get disfellowshipped for molestation.. ...both were taking vodka shots in the bathroom.. i'm sure there's lots of good stories out there..
finally awake
I never did, but it sure would have helped
Question for some of the other gay posters
by littlerockguy inhave you guys seen the meme on facebook going around about "tim tebow vs jason collins" comparing tebow "bashed for professing christ" and collins "praised for homosexuality" and then at the bottom the scripture isaiah 50:20: woe to those who call evil good and good evil?
i have had a couple friends of mine post that on their wall and it showed up on my wall.
i don't care what they believe however it just bothers me that they didn't think that i would find it offensive.
finally awake
I find that offensive even though I'm not gay
Oklahoma Tornado
by Simon inwow, just saw this on the news.
truly devastating.. sorry i have no words to offer anyone other than that we're thinking of anyone who'd been affected..
finally awake
tornado resistant buildings can be built, but they are generally considered unattractive and are very expensive. when a well built commercial building like a school or a strip mall is totally destroyed, standard construction homes don't stand a chance. most commercial buildings are reinforced concrete and steel rather than lumber.